

Scheduler allows for fast setup and effective management of client appointments in different locations. 

Filter appointments

Scheduler can display a schedule for location, a specialist as well as a schedule for a Resource such as a sound booth or a fitting room. With a variety of viewing options, users can select to see all appointments for a specific location, specialist, or resource in a number of different ways.

On the SCHEDULER screen, there is a set of filters that enable users to modify how their data is displayed:

  1. View
  2. Display
  3. Location
NOTE: all filter selections are retained. So, the same pre-filtered view will be shown next time you open a Scheduler tab or sign into Manage.

How to use filters

The VIEW filter :

  1. Day - gives a day's view of the appointment calendar
  2. Week - gives a week's view of the appointment calendar
  3. Schedule - displays all appointments starting from a set date without any end date limitation (i.e., infinite view)
The DISPLAY filter:
  1. Calendars - shows appointments for a specified location. A certain location must be selected before specialists can be added to filtering
  2. Location - shows appointments for a specified specialist. First, a certain specialist must be selected and then their associated locations can be added to filtering
  3. Appointments - shows a list of appointments for a specified location, without any additional refinement

The calendar icon  sets the display to the current date, so that the appointments will be shown from the current date and onwards. The date dropdown   opens the calendar allowing users to choose from which date to display appointments.

Controls  will display the WEEK or DAY depending on the type of VIEW selected. In Week view, these controls will show the previous/next week. In Day/Schedule view, the previous/next day will be shown.

It is possible to review appointment details by clicking into the appointment entry in the Schedule list view or the respective appointment tile in the Day/Week grid view. Next to the EDIT and DELETE buttons, you can see appointment labels.

Or change their view to a full weekly view that displays all Specialists and Resources.

When hovering over the empty time slot, users can see a preview of which appointment reasons are available for the selected specialist for that time slot.

Create a single appointment

There are 2 ways to create an appointment:
  1. Using the CREATE button 
  2. From the Day/Week view grid (see below)

Each grid cell is invisibly divided into 4 parts with a 15-minute step. Click on any free spot, and the DATE, START and END TIME will be defined automatically.
  1. For convenience, appointment reason has default duration (for example, Hearing Test (NHS) – 60 minutes, Tymp – 15 minutes).  However, its duration can be changed if you modify the END TIME.

Fill in all required fields (*):
  1. Location
  2. Specialist
  3. Appointment reason                   
  4. Date
  5. Start time
  6. End time
Fill in additional fields to add extra information to your appointment:
  1. Resources
  2. Status
  3. Label
  4. Recurrence
  5. Campaign etc.

  1. Specialist and Resource fields will be pre-populated on the CREATE APPOINTMENT dialog if they are selected prior to appointment creation.
  2. Date and time are also pre-populated. In Schedule view, the pre-populated date will default to the current date and the pre-populated time to the current time. In Week/Day view, the date is pre-populated based on which date-time slot you click into when creating an appointment.

Create a recurring appointment

By adding recurrence to an appointment, you can duplicate the appointment information without having to create new appointments.
This feature is available in Scheduler when creating a new appointment:

To create a recurrence
1. Choose whether you want an initial appointment to repeat daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
2. Specify how often you want the event to repeat (REPEAT EVERY), and when you want the event that repeats to end (ENDS).

  1. An appointment recurs every day or every few days. The number of days between each occurrence must be from 1 to 31.

  1. An appointment repeats every week or every few weeks. The number of months between each occurrence must be from 1 to 10.
  2. Additionally, you can specify the days of the week when the event will occur. For example, an appointment that repeats every second week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

  1. An appointment repeats on the same day of the month every month or every few months. The number of months between each occurrence must be from 1 to 12.
  2. In REPEAT ON, the options will depend on the date of the initial appointment.

  1. An appointment repeats every year.
  2. In ENDS, choose a date no later than 5 years from the date of the initial appointment.
  3. In AFTER OCCURRENCE, you can choose from 1 to 360 repetitions for all options.
3. Check and update the recurrence. 
Upon creating or editing the recurring appointment, the validation appears. It contains information about all appointments in the series. This window also displays a warning messages in case of the overlap or unavailability of a specialist or resource.
Here you can:
  1. View the list of all appointments in the series
  2. Select appointments to be created by ticking the box
  3. Edit and delete all appointments in the series except the initial one
  4. See warning messages in case of overlap or unavailability of a specialist or resource
The screen below shows that 2 out of 5 appointments cannot be created.

Users can easily configure a series of appointments. It is possible to edit or delete the selected appointment (Current appointment), following appointments in the series including the chosen appointment (This and all following appointments), or all appointments at once (All appointments series).

When opting for Current appointment, the changes will be applied to a single appointment without changing the recurrence. In this case, this appointment will be unsynced from the recurrence.

An example below shows that in a recurrence one appointment was moved and, therefore, unsynced from the series and marked with crossed-out arrows.

Using the print icon   on the top menu bar in Scheduler, it is now possible to print out schedules for selected dates, locations, specialists, and resources.
The print report will contain data pre-filtered from the corresponding Scheduler view:

More about scheduling features in our E-learning course