Search a product/service
To find an existing product or service, start typing its name or description in the search field.
- Narrow down the results by choosing the product category from the left pane or manufacturer using the dropdown menu in an upper-right corner.
- The column ACTIVE shows if the product is active or inactive. Use the toggle to switch between the product states. Alternatively, you can select or clear the ACTIVE attribute while editing the product card.
- An ACTIVE product can be added to stock or Patient sales.
- The column SELLABLE shows if the product can be sold.
An UNSELLABLE product is a product that is marked unsellable (possible reasons: the price is expected to change, the product is prohibited for sale by the manufacturer, etc.) It cannot be added to a Patient sale, but it can be added to stock.
Product card options
In the product card, use the following controls to:
- copy all product details to create a new product.
- delete the product card. Deleted products cannot be restored.
- edit the product card.
To access the options menu, hover over the product in the product list and click
- VIEW - to open a product card. Alternatively, you can click on the needed row in the product list.
- EDIT - to edit the product card.
- COPY - to copy all product details to create a new product. Note that it is impossible to have two products with the same name.
- MAKE UNSELLABLE (OR SELLABLE) - to mark the product unsellable (or sellable). Alternatively, you can select or clear the 'sellable' attribute while editing the product card.
- DELETE - to delete the product card. Deleted products cannot be restored.
STOCK MANAGEMENT tab enables users to view their products’ stock availability and control the movement of stock within one or several locations.
Only products with an active 'Controlled by stock' attribute will appear in stock management.
To add a product to the stock management:
- Open the Product catalog tab
- Find the required product
- Click EDIT
- Choose the attribute CONTROLLED BY STOCK
- Click SAVE
Once the product appears in the stock list, you can VIEW or do STOCK ADJUSTMENT for this product.
Search a stock item
Via priority ordering
To search the 'Products in stock' list, you can use priority ordering for the following columns:
Product, Manufacturer, Sellable, and Category. To do so, click the name of the column that needs to be ordered
Using search field
- Start typing product NAME or DESCRIPTION in the search field.
- Narrow down the results by selecting the PRODUCT CATEGORY (e.g., Accessories, Batteries, Earmolds, etc.) from the left pane.
- Further refine the search by choosing the manufacturer and/or location from the dropdown list in the upper-right corner.
- Use the SELECT ALL LOCATIONS option to quickly check inventory available across all locations.
- The search result is displayed in a grid-style list. The columns contain basic information such as the product’s name, manufacturer, category, etc.
To view product information, hover over the product you found and left-click or click
Monitor stock movement
To be able to see stock movement, double-click the corresponding item in the 'Products in stock' list. The product information card will open. Scroll down to see the following tabs:
STOCK DETAILS - view stock availability per location.
- Location - the name of the location.
- Stock on hand - the number of products available at a certain location.
- Reserved - the number of products added to Patient sale(s).
- Available for sale - the number of products available for sale.
TRANSACTIONS - view the history of transactions.
- Transaction date - date of the transaction.
- Transaction ID - ID number of the transaction.
- Location - name of the location.
- Transaction type - type of transaction (e.g., transfer, pre-order).
- Quantity - number of products in a transaction.
- Running total - total value of stock on hand.
SERIAL NUMBER – view serialized products in this tab.
You must choose a location to see the list of products in stock.
To quickly find a stock item, start typing a serial number or choose the status to narrow down the search results.
- Serial number - serial number of the product. If you chose not to add a serial number before, click ADD S/N in this field.
- Location - location of the product.
- Status - status of the product (e.g., available, sold, [AU-specific] on trial).
- Date added - date when the product was added to stock.
From this tab, it is possible to:
- EDIT stock items (e.g., serial number, color, battery type, additional attributes)
- CREATE REPAIR ORDERS for selected items
- RETURN chosen items to supplier
- TRANSFER items between locations
- DELETE items from stock
These options are available via
Create repair orders
When using this option, you can generate and track repair orders. This streamlined process helps reduce turnaround times by ensuring effective management throughout the repair lifecycle.