All the reports are based on region, location and specialist (service provider, audiologist) data, so this information should be available in Manage. Some reports require data about campaigns, referral sources and referral physicians, hearing loss, age as well. All this information is taken from Patient/Patient Lead cards (exception is Hourly Allocation report, where location information is gathered from specialist roster).
To define a product as a hearing aid we use product types marked as ‘Hearing Aid’.
To calculate hours scheduled for specialists, Specialist Roster should be filled in.
To separate hours between Client facing hours and Admin hours, ‘Productive’ attribute should be set up in Appointment Reasons.
Details are below.
General path to settings:
Go to Environment settings -> Configure System Settings
Region information is required.
System -> Region Information
Only Regions with region type ‘Reporting’ are taken for the reports.
One location can belong to the only region.
Scheduling -> Specialist Roster
Scheduling -> Appointment Reasons
If Productive=’Yes’, we consider an appointment reason as client facing hours, else they’re admin hours.
Scheduling -> Appointment Status Codes
‘Arrived’ (or ‘Attended’) means that client attended an appointment.
‘Confirmed’, ‘Un-Confirmed’ (or ‘Booked’) are considered to be booked appointments.
Inventory -> Product Types
Only product types marked as Hearing Aid are considered to be calculated as hearing aids.