Finance settings

Finance settings

NOTE: If a setting is no longer relevant or applicable, it can be set to INACTIVE using the respective toggle or DELETED using the   that appears on hover. When you left click on a specific entry, you can quickly launch the EDIT mode.

Prefix management

These settings can only be configured during an environment setup. Prefixes will be added to a sales document number to differentiate between NHS invoice, Private invoice, Quote, and Delivery note.


  1. LENGTH - determines how many digits will be included in the sales document number
  2. INITIAL VALUE - determines which number will be used as a starting point
  3. PREFIX - specifies the abbreviation code that will be appended before the number
  4. BY LOCATION - when enabled, location code will be appended before the prefix
Settings for a private invoice can be as follows:

A private invoice ID based on the above settings may look like this B01INV0000022, where:
  1. B01 - location code
  2. INV - prefix for 'Invoice'
  3. 0000022 - 7-digit number 

3rd party payers

On this tab, users can manage a list of insurance companies that can be invoiced during a patient sale. It is possible add more than one work insurer per clinic.


On this tab, users can view all taxes that exist in the system. Taxes defined on this tab can be applied to products and services when creating a sale. 

Tax overrides

Users can choose different taxes for different product category types. Furthermore, they can redefine standard tax values applied to product category types. NOTE: When modifying a tax or a tax value, make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and SAVE changes.

Redefined tax values are marked with an information icon . If you hover over the icon, a standard value will be displayed.

Payment / refund methods

This tab lists methods of payment that can be used during payment and refund transactions. To add a method, click the corresponding control in the top right corner.

On the create dialog, specify:
  1. Name
  2. Account ID - for Zapier integrations only.
  3. Payment/refund method ID - for Zapier integrations only.
  4. Comment required - choose this option to prevent adding this payment method to a sale without an accompanying comment.

Credit note / exchange reasons

CREDIT NOTE is used to cancel an invoice in case of errors or product returns. An EXCHANGE allows users to handle product/service exchanges.
When creating a credit note/exchange, users will have to specify a reason for doing so. This tab lists reasons to issue a credit note or create an exchange. 

Price books

On this tab, you can configure price lists for different locations or different types of customers. You can make any given price book DEFAULT for the environment by selecting the corresponding option when a price book is CREATED or EDITED.
Default price book defined here will be applied to all locations. You can select a different default option when configuring the settings for a particular location.
It is possible to include different types of products and services in different price books. To do so: 
  1. Open the selected price book
  2. Go to the PRODUCTS tab
  3. Add required products
    1. one by one via + PRODUCT 
    2. all at the same time via + ALL PRODUCTS
    3. from a file via import 
After a price book is created, you can also export it using . All prices from a selected price book will be exported to a generated XLSX file.


Users can define discounts that can be applied to products/services. 
When creating a discount, it is possible to choose:
  1. Discount TYPE
  2. NOT MATCHING DISCOUNTS (i.e., discounts to which this discount cannot be added).
In EDIT mode, it is also possible to specify mutually exclusive discounts.

Prefix management

These settings can only be configured during an environment setup. Prefixes will be added to a sales document number to differentiate between NHS invoice, Private invoice, Quote, and Delivery note.

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