Generic guide for downloading and installing Crystal Reports in Auditbase.
Installing and saving the new reports to Auditbase
To install your new Crystal reports the first task is to make a folder to put them in for Auditbase to find them. To do this, first use Windows Explorer or My Computer and find the following location;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Auditdata\Auditbase\Reports\User\6.x.x\uk
where the version number in red text corresponds with your current Auditbase version.
If your reports are held on a network folder and not on your computer’s C:drive you can check the path to find this network location by looking in Auditbase Administration at;
Administration -> User and workstation settings -> Workstation settings -> Printing and reports -> User defined reports
You should create a folder, the exact name is up to you, inside the ‘uk’ folder to keep the reports together.
Saving Crystal eports from email
Browse to the folder you just created for the location of your reports and save there. (Repeat this process if the report destination folder is different).