GP Configuration

GP Configuration

GP configuration settings allow users to manage practices and general practitioners. GPs and practices can be imported from a CSV file or added manually. For UK, bulk import from the NHS Digital website is available via the IMPORT NHS control.

NOTE: Users must observe the rules for the imported files' structure and data.

General practitioners

The list of added general practitioners can be ordered by all available parameters.

To add a GP manually
  2. Complete all relevant fields
  3. Click CREATE
Open date - date when the practitioner started working.
Parent organization code* - code of the GP practice to which this practitioner is linked.
Join parent date* - date when the practitioner joined the GP practice.

To import GPs
  1. Click + IMPORT FILE.
  2. Click into the area SELECT YOUR FILE and choose the file to upload or drag and drop a CSV file.
  3. Click UPLOAD.

To edit a GP, click on the respective entry or use the options menu (). On the EDIT screen, you can:
  1. Alter the open date.
  2. Change the status from 'active' to 'retired', 'closed' or 'proposed'.
  3. Modify contact information.
  4. Add a close date if required.
To delete a GP
  1. Hover over the selected row.
  2. Scroll to the very left, click the options control ().
  3. Click DELETE.


The list of added practices can be ordered by all available parameters.

To add a practice manually
  1. Click +PRACTICE.
  2. Complete all relevant fields.
  3. Click CREATE.
Open date - date when the practice started working.

To import practices
  1. Click + IMPORT FILE.
  2. Click into the area SELECT YOUR FILE and choose the file to upload or drag and drop a CSV file. 
  3. Click UPLOAD.
To edit a practice, click on the respective entry or use the options menu (). On the EDIT screen, you can:
  1. Alter the open date.
  2. Change the status from 'active' to 'dormant', 'closed' or 'proposed'.
  3. Modify contact information.
  4. Add a close date if required.
To delete a practice
  1. Hover over the selected row.
  2. Scroll to the very left, click .
  3. Click DELETE.

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