How to synchronize tympanometry tests with NOAH clients?

How to synchronize tympanometry tests with NOAH clients?

Required software: PATH NOAH Connector
It allows to select a patient in NOAH and conduct tympanometry tests for this NOAH client.

How to use:

1. Open a NOAH client and see two modules from Path Medical listed: icon 1 which is for Mira software and icon 2 which is for PATH NOAH Connector.

2.  Now assuming that the measurements are performed by Mira software, please click on the icon 2 to launch PATH NOAH Connector.
      3.  Please make sure the  tympanometer is connected to the PC at this moment. The following window will open. Please click on Device Tests tab.
     4. The tests from the device will show up. Please click on the measurement that was done for your NOAH client (the last one on the list).
     5. Click Assign Tests icon to assign tymp tests to this NOAH client.
     6. You will see a success message.
    7. Now, if you switch to the Local Tests tab, you will see all the tymp measurements, which you have assigned to this NOAH customer.

If you are always using NOAH to interact with patients, there is even more convenient way to make measurements and save them to NOAH by just using PATH NOAH Connector. To do so:

    1.  Launch PATH NOAH Connector.

    2.  Next click Send Patient to send this NOAH patient directly to the connected Tympanometer.
   3.  Your NOAH client is now in the device, where you can conduct the measurements.
   4.  After you are done with the measurements in Tymp, save the data on the device, and then in PATH NOAH Connector click Download Tests icon.
   5. Your tests will be downloaded and will go to NOAH instantly.

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