How to update Hearing Services Program Maintenance Agreement – 1 October 2023

How to update Hearing Services Program Maintenance Agreement – 1 October 2023

How to update Hearing Services Program Maintenance Agreement – 1 October 2023

Please refer to the attached Hearing Services Program maintenance agreement form.docx

Navigate to Config > System > Document Comments

Select Type HSP Maintenance Terms .

Copy and paste these new wordings to HSP Maintenance Terms 

Maintaining your hearing device/s and buying batteries can be costly. Maintenance agreements are an easy and cost-effective way to take care of your hearing device. For 12 months, your provider will:
supply you with a reasonable supply of batteries
service and repair your hearing device/s

If you choose a maintenance agreement, you may be required to pay an annual fee and the program pays the provider a subsidy. Maintenance agreements are optional and do not cover device accessories such as rechargers and remotes. 

For Fully Subsidised Devices the annual client maintenance co-payment is set by the program and may increase each year. The co-payment amount is the maximum you can be charged annually. Maintenance agreements for fully subsidised devices also cover all repairs for your device.

For Partially Subsidised Devices the annual client maintenance co-payment may be more than the program set co-payment for fully subsidised devices. You should have been informed of this amount in your device quote. This amount may increase each year. Maintenance agreements for partially subsidised devices may not cover all repair costs, however any additional costs must be included in your device quote. If you change provider, your new provider may set new conditions and costs for maintenance of your devices. 

Further information about maintenance agreements is available on the program website at

Select Type HSP Maintenance Disclaimer 

Copy and paste these new wordings to HSP Maintenance Disclaimer 

If you have any questions about the maintenance agreement, including when it will begin, please contact us on the phone number specified above. This agreement will be held on your client file. You can ask for a copy of the completed form for your records. 

Certification by client
I have chosen to enter into a 12-month maintenance agreement. I understand that the information provided on this form is required for the delivery of maintenance services under the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997. I agree to pay the co-payment listed above.

You should not sign a Maintenance Agreement form that is blank or incomplete. 

Select Type HSP Maintenance Terms DVA 

Copy and paste these new wordings to HSP Maintenance Terms DVA 

Maintaining your hearing device/s and buying batteries can be costly. Maintenance agreements are an easy and cost-effective way to take care of your hearing device. For 12 months, your provider will:
supply you with a reasonable supply of batteries
service and repair your hearing device/s

If you choose a maintenance agreement, you may be required to pay an annual fee and the program pays the provider a subsidy. Maintenance agreements are optional and do not cover device accessories such as rechargers and remotes. 

For Fully Subsidised Devices the annual client maintenance co-payment is set by the program and may increase each year. The co-payment amount is the maximum you can be charged annually. Maintenance agreements for fully subsidised devices also cover all repairs for your device.

For Partially Subsidised Devices the annual client maintenance co-payment may be more than the program set co-payment for fully subsidised devices. You should have been informed of this amount in your device quote. This amount may increase each year. Maintenance agreements for partially subsidised devices may not cover all repair costs, however any additional costs must be included in your device quote. If you change provider, your new provider may set new conditions and costs for maintenance of your devices. 

Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Gold or White (specific for hearing loss) card holders
with fully subsidised devices are exempt from paying the client maintenance co-payment (this is paid by DVA). 
Clients with partially subsidised devices must pay any difference between the government maintenance subsidy and the maintenance co-payment quoted for their device/s. DVA clients must still agree to enter into a maintenance agreement by completing this form.

Further information about maintenance agreements is available on the program website at

Select Type HSP Maintenance Disclaimer DVA 

Copy and paste these new wordings to HSP Maintenance Disclaimer DVA 

If you have any questions about the maintenance agreement, including when it will begin, please contact us on the phone number specified above. This agreement will be held on your client file. You can ask for a copy of the completed form for your records. 

Certification by client
I have chosen to enter into a 12-month maintenance agreement. I understand that the information provided on this form is required for the delivery of maintenance services under the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997. I agree to pay the co-payment listed above.

You should not sign a Maintenance Agreement form that is blank or incomplete. 

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