HSP Payment different to Claim Amounts - Rejection Message - Total Amount Mismatch

HSP Payment different to Claim Amounts - Rejection Message - Total Amount Mismatch

HSP Payment different from Claim Amounts
Rejection Message - Total Amount Mismatch

HSP no longer verify the amount on the claim, they pay what they know it should be.
This can result in payment and claim mismatches.
In this case, while the claim is approved on the portal, it will be rejected in Manage.

The user must:
1) Void the claim and set the new claim amounts to match the paid amount.
2) Mark the claim as “Manual” then uncheck "Ready" then click Continue to Save.
3) Navigate to A/R > Receive Payments, select account HSP, enter the payment method: HSP Direct, enter the payment date, and on Patient Filter select the Patient Number
tick Pay on the newly created claim.

This marks the claim as approved.

Note: The VOID option is only available on claims that have been exported in the daily reconciliation process(Daily Close).

· It creates a mirror image claim to undo the original, then
· Creates a new 3rd claim which can be edited as required.
· Payments must be managed carefully on the new claims. The total payment will default to the amount of the reversal. Payment amounts can be edited prior to the daily close.
· Original and Reversal Void Claims are removed from the Patient's History.

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