Manage Signature Capture

Manage Signature Capture

The WACOM 430V/G signature capture device can be used to capture Patient signatures and save them digitally to an Invoice, Repair or HSP Claim. Printed Invoices, Repairs or HSP Claims will then display the Patient Signature.

 Next, clinics will need to install the WACOM 430V/G device driver on each PC that will be used for signature capture.

 After the device driver has been installed on the necessary PC, the Manage "Signature Client Installer" will need to be installed on the PC as well. This installer is utilized by Manage to perform the handshake between Manage OMS and the signature device itself. For assistance obtaining this "Signature Client Installer" please contact

 Once both the device driver and Manage Client Installer has been installed, users must go into CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > SYSTEM > DOCUMENT PARAMETERS and indicate under ENABLE SIGNATURE CAPTURE with a check mark that you wish to be prompted for digital Signature Capture. Next the box to the right of ENABLE SIGNATURE CAPTURE is where you indicate how many seconds you wish to wait for the signature capture auto check time out. This will be how many seconds Manage will wait for the signature before displaying a message informing the user to continue or cancel with the signature. If this box has no value, the system default of 12 seconds will be used.

 Once configured, users will have the option of adding a patient signature to:

 Invoices (not quotes - only invoices.)


Australia clinics can also add digital signatures to:

HSP Client Invoice

Device Quote

Maintenance Agreement

HSP 3rd Party Invoice


Rules for digital signature capture:

 Once a document has a signature captured, it is no longer editable. (To make a document editable again, the signature must be removed via UTILITIES > REMOVE DOCUMENT SIGNATURE. This is to ensure that the document remains the same as when the patient digitally signed it.)

 A digital signature on a HSP Claim can only be applied to a claim that has been marked at "READY" to submit.

To install run the signature client installer.

Tick I accept the license terms and conditions>Install