NHAX Import tool requirements for Bridge 2

NHAX Import tool requirements for Bridge 2

NOAH data quality is important for a correctly done NOAH patients import into Bridge 2 and subsequent Bridge 2 work with this data.

NOAH data requirements

  1. file(s) must be uploaded to the secure storage by the link provided by Auditdata Support
  2. NOAH data can be provided in either of the two formats: .nhax (non-encrypted) OR .enhax (encrypted)
  3. encryped data (.enhax) must be accompanied by the password. In case of several separate .enhax files, the password must be provided for each of the files
  4. if file(s) are uploaded to the secure storage, a non-encrypted .nhax file is preferred

Mapping requirements

Import requires a mapping between the patient in the customer's OMS system and in NOAH. There are two ways to create the mapping:
  1. by populating EITHER Other1 or Other2 field in NOAH System with the patient's ID from the customer's OMS system
  2. by providing a mapping file in .csv format with NOAH patient GUID and the corresponding patient's ID from the customer's OMS system
The two ways to create a mapping can complement each other. For instance, a customer can populate the Other1 or Other2 fields with the patient's ID from OMS for some customers and at the same time provide a mapping file for other customers. If the same patient is mapped in both ways simultaneously, the mapping from EITHER Other1 or Other2 fields takes precedence during the import, which means this patient from the .csv file is ignored.

In case the customer decides to use the .csv mapping file, the following requirements apply:
  1. mapping file has to be saved in .csv format and have only two data pairs: NOAH patient GUID and a mapping number; separated by a comma without space.
  2. NOAH patient GUID is the unique identifier of any patient in NOAH. Mapping number is the unique identifier of a patient in the customer's OMS system
  3. mapping number in NOAH can be saved to either of the two available custom fields: Other1 or Other2
  4. the GUID field in the first row of the .csv file has to be named PatientGUID followed by the custom field used for saving the mapping number and separated by a comma with no space
See example of a valid .csv file below:

NOAH Import

  1. if any row in the mapping file is missing either PatientGUID (GUID) or a mapping number, this patient record is skipped and will not be imported
  2. patient record in NOAH must have a unique SessionCreateDate parameter. If a patient record contains more than one session with the same SessionCreateDate parameter, this patient is skipped during import

Delta Import

After the main import is complete, customer can supply the delta data to be additionally imported afterwards. Delta in this scenario means the NOAH patient records that were created in customer's NOAH system AFTER the last main NOAH file export was sent to Auditdata.
Delta files must be also saved in .nhax or .enhax format and uploaded to the secure storage using the same link.

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