Manage Patient Interactions: Notes, Letters, GP Letters, Forms, Call Logs, Alerts - Comparison

Manage Patient Interactions: Notes, Letters, GP Letters, Forms, Call Logs, Alerts - Comparison


Patient notes were the original "Visit Notes" and have been superseded by Reports and Forms, as explained below.  They are now generally used for internal notes where other methods aren't appropriate.  Notes can be categorized according to type eg Notes for the audiologist, Internal Admin notes.


Patient Letters are plainly formatted, basic letters that don’t need to be edited. They always output to PDF and use the letterhead supplied by your company during Onboarding. Location logos are not applicable, they use the letterhead supplied during Implementation. Use "Forms" if different logos are required on GP Letters. Patient Letters can be categorized in the configuration menu.

Data tags of patient information are available when setting up the letters. Such tags will be used when the Letter is selected from the Patient record. See the article Patient Letters and Forms Merge Field Tags list for a list of the available label tags. You can copy and paste them into your letter.

The manual has details of how to add a letter, this is just a brief overview.
Click ADD to add a new letter.
Click Standard Letter
Type "Dear" or whatever you want to salutation to be against the Patient's name.
In the body of the text, when you click on the Tags icon, a list of tags appears. 

Tags are sorted alphabetically but can be re-sorted by clicking the Data Tag heading. 
Double-click a tag to select it.
When you are creating a letter in ADD mode and you select tags as you type, tags are inserted at the cursor point. In EDIT mode tags are inserted at the end of the last document text, and must be cut and pasted into the letter body where required.
The Patient Letters automatically use the Patient Name and Address tags in any letters. In Australia, the address is automatically indented 6 characters to accommodate window face envelopes

These print on your pre-supplied letterhead; location logos are not applicable in this function. See Forms below for other suggestions re letters by location logo.

To print the letters you click the PRINT icon in the Patient record, then select "Letters".

An example of a standard patient letter could be a Payment Reminder, or a Maintenance Agreement Reminder.
They are set up in CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > Patient Letters.
Here is an example. [Note that Patient Letters do not set margins for page widths, you have to do that yourself with a hard 'Enter' at the end of a row, as displayed below]:

The annual renewal of your Hearing Aid services program is due on <<Patient Maintenance Expiry>>.

Renewal of the program is optional, however it is important as it covers you for the cost of future

consultations, batteries, repairs or adjustments to your hearing aid. 

Please find attached a Maintenance Agreement. Upon receiving the signed agreement your annual

maintenance will be renewed for a further 12 months. Please sign where indicated.

We trust your hearing aid(s) are of benefit to you. Please feel welcome to contact us

should you have any questions or queries.

Yours sincerely,

<<Clinic Name>>

After adding a new letter test it for a "test" patient to ensure accuracy particularly with margins before continuing to the next letter. The Help manual article displays the details of how to do this. [Don't use a real patient, we keep track of the history of Patient Letters send (not the letter itself, just the name of the letter) and the date it was sent.]  using the attachment icon in the Patient record. []
If you want to keep the actual letter on the patient file, save it and attach it.


GP Letters are different to Patient Letters in that GP Letters open in MS Word, thus allowing the user to edit the GP Letter. The formatting is still basic in the template but because it opens in Word the user can emphasize specific information if required.

They do not default any Patient information nor indent address information; all information must be selected and manipulated using the Tags. Address indenting must be done manually in the letter.
It will only use the one pre-loaded letterhead so different logos are not allowed.
GP Letters are set up in the same place and use the same Tags as Patient Letters - in CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > Patient Letters but the user will select the Letter Type GP Letter.

If you prefix the Letter Description with 'GP' it makes them easy to distinguish from the pdf Patient Letters.

They can be printed from the Patient by clicking on PRINT

This appears:

If a different logo is required for GP Letters, this option is not available from GP Letters. In that case it would be best to create various letters in Word with the different logos and upload them using this next process:


In CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS>PATIENT>FORMS, clinics can upload their own stylized patient forms [Word, pdf, editable pdf, etc). Such documents may have the same data tags as provided in the link in Patient Letters above pasted within the document to capture the necessary data required prior saving. If uploading a Word doc, make sure the doc was saved with SPELL CHECK turned off. Any highlighted spelling mistakes within a data tag will not work. 

Tip: if you would rather type data tags manually in a Form instead of selecting, IF you have to correct a mistake you will need to copy the completed tag and then paste it to ensure there is no hidden “correction formatting” within the tag - it's how Word handles deletions.  

Once the Form is selected and uploaded in CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS > PATIENT > Forms, the user will be offered the option to LOAD TAGS.  If the document is an MS Word document, all available tags will be automatically applied.
If the document is a PDF document, to automate such tags in an editable pdf, you will need to have Adobe Pro. [We provide basic instructions on how to do it here: If the process if it has changed since the article was created, please rely on your company expertise on Adobe Pro or seek help elsewhere; we do not support Adobe Pro.]
Always test print each Form after you have added it. Make sure line and page breaks are in the right places. If not, correct the original, save and upload it again.
To add a new patient form, click the ADD icon.

FORM NAME - Assign this patient form a unique name – match it to your document name? [For Australia, if it is the government department HSP use the prefix HSP, if WorkCover prefix with WC and so on.] Make the name a visual categorization for easy searching eg if editable – put 'editable' in the name too. You will have to abbreviate to fit it all in.

FILENAME - Click the search option at the end of the field to Browse for and select the document you wish to upload.

Navigate to the correct folder and select the file, then click UPLOAD.

FONT SIZE - At the time of writing, if the font size is changed here it will change the size of any headings in the document. Test this yourself to ensure it has not changed in the meantime to update all text in the document.

FORM TAGS - Click Form Tags. This screen will appear:

Click LOAD TAGS button. If the document is an MS Word document, all the possible tags will appear. If any of these are contained within the FORM the data will be populated when the Form is selected to print from the Patient record.

If the document is other than Adobe eg a PDF or an editable PDF, the tags that were found on the document will appear under the DOCUMENT TAG column and the data tags available in our software will appear under the COLUMN NAME column.  If the       COLUMN NAME field is empty, users can select their own form data from the available list.

It is possible to indicate a specific data tag FONT size for certain tags, and also special MAPPING options.

For example, if a tag is PATIENT GENDER, under VALUE you can add "M" (the standard data) and under REPLACEMENT VALUE you can add "Male" if you want the word Male to appear on the form. You can add the VALUE "F" and under REPLACEMENT VALUE you can add "Female".

CHANGE Mode important information:  If you click LOAD TAGS on an existing document, it will prompt to you delete existing tags. You should never say yes to this if you have done a lot of manual data mapping,just say No to see exiting tags and build on them.


·         If uploading a Word doc, users can select a Word doc with a static footer or header, however data tags within the footer or header will not be available to use. 

·         If uploading an edible PDF doc, the system will generate an editable PDF when printing the patient form.  If uploading a regular PDF, the system will generate an regular non editable PDF when printing the patient form.

·         PDF's can only use data tags no greater the 50 characters.

·         Ensure that your PDF documents are not "secured".

·         If a data tag will not work on a Word document, sometimes opening the original document and deleting and re-adding the tag will make the tag work. (One work around is to COPY ALL on the body content of the original document, and then delete all the body content, and then save the document, close the document and reopen to  PASTE content back into the document and save. Then upload and retest this edited document to ensure tags work correctly.)

·         If uploading a Word doc, make sure the doc was saved with SPELL CHECK turned off. Any highlighted spelling mistakes within a data tag will not work.

·         If you changes the form in Word, save it then re-upload it – but don’t delete the tags or you will undo all your work.


The purpose of Call Logging is to create and maintain a log of inbound and outbound calls that are crucial to future interactions between the client and your business. While the configuration guide provides the detail, here is a quick overview of the Patient process:

In Patient Information the user can log a call by clicking this icon:

  They will be prompted as follows:.

a.    Source – Why did the call occur?

                                         i.    Eg. client requested Batteries

b.   Action – What happened due to the call

                                         i.    Eg. Batteries were arranged

c.    Outcome – What happened off the back of the call?

Eg. Batteries were posted


MANAGE allows your organisation to go completely paperless!  Scan documents or images such as invoices, claim forms, pictures, correspondence and attach to any patient record easily. Supported formats include (but are not limited to):  PDF, PNG, BMP, DOC, XLS.


Alerts are used to remind users of important or sensitive information about a Patient. 

It could be a medical alert eg Patient is on blood-thinning medication, or a custody alert eg "Family-related data restriction, only Parent is allowed access to this patient's history", or an internal reminder from a clinician to a receptionist eg "Allow an extra 45 minutes for next Fitting appointment".

Such alerts can be displayed  if any user accesses the patient within either the Scheduler or Patient Information pages or both, depending upon how it is set up.  Information on Alerts is contained with the E-learning course Patient Information.


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