Print settings

Print settings

On the PRINT SETTINGS > PRINTING TEMPLATES tab, you can manage templates for commercial documents (invoices and quotes, maintenance agreements, reimbursement claims, and such). 

The list of templates is predefined and may vary depending on the country.

Customize a template

In order to modify an existing template:
  1. Hover over the template, click  and select EDIT.
  2. Make the required changes in the Dev Express editor.
  3. If the Analyzer notifies of any issues, click the alert icon  to view the details.

  4. SAVE changes.
The modified version of the document template is now stored in the system. See below how to access this version or revert to an older one,

Duplicate a template

When dealing with invoices, quotes, maintenance agreements, or reimbursement claims, maintaining consistency across documents is crucial. By duplicating an existing template, you ensure uniformity in formatting, branding, and essential details. 

To make a copy of an existing document template:
  1. Select the template you need to copy by hovering over.
  2. In the options menu  , choose DUPLICATE.
  3. Provide the name for the template copy and click SAVE.
  4. Make any required modifications in DESIGNER MODE.
  5. SAVE changes.

Track template changes

Each time an update is made to the document template, the update is saved with the corresponding date. Saving templates with recorded changes and dates allows for easy tracking and identification of the most recent or any relevant version of documents.

To select a specific document version to be printed during a sale:
  1. Hover over the document, click  and select VERSIONS.
  2. Under the VERSIONS LIST, choose the required version.
  3. Click RESTORE.

Preview and print

Preview and print controls are available both in EDIT and in VERSIONING modes. If the document is paginated, users are able to check and print each page separately or work with the whole document at once.

First PageReturn to the first page
Previous PageReturn to the previous page
Page CountCheck which report page is shown
Next PageGo to the next page
Last PageGo to the last page
Toggle Multipage ModeSwitch between single-page and multiple-page views
Page Size ControlsAdjust the page size with Zoom in (+) or Zoom out (–). Alternatively, click on Page Width to adjust the size.
PrintSend to printer
Print PagePrint the current page
Export ToExport to a selected format: PDF, XLS, XLSX, RTF, DOCX, MHT, HTML, TEXT, CSV, IMAGE (PNG).
SearchSearch in the current document
Full ScreenSwitch to the full screen mode

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