About this release
February 10th, 2025 Manage 10.7.0
Welcome to Manage 10.7! This release brings essential updates across various modules, enhancing environment settings, patient management, inventory handling, and API functionality. Here are the key highlights:
- Controlled location deactivation: Enjoy smoother eRS integration with improved control over location deactivation.
- Embedded state field dropdown: Reduce manual entry errors and address validation issues with the new state field dropdown in Finance and Inventory settings.
Improved management of regional address data: Easily handle patient and lead records with better address processing of additional details such as parish, city or sub-city.
- Expanded patient search using external devices' S/Ns: Quickly locate patients using the serial numbers of external devices.
- Efficient inventory management: Benefit from the "Fast-track" attribute in product catalog export/import processes for more efficient inventory management.
[UK] Location Deactivation Control
Environment settings > Location settings > Locations
Environment settings > Location settings > NHS configuration > NHS services
Locations used in NHS services cannot be deactivated directly. Users will be prompted to delete associated NHS services first, ensuring all related timeslots are cancelled before proceeding with location deactivation. This ensures proper configuration for eRS integration functionality, ensuring that the system continues to operate smoothly and efficiently without any disruptions or errors.
- Prompt for NHS service deletion: Users will be notified of the location being used by an NHS service, prompting them to delete the NHS services associated with the location first.
Automatic timeslot cancellation: Deleting NHS services will automatically cancel all related timeslots. As a result, appointments already booked at this location may become inaccessible.
Location deactivation: Once the timeslots are cancelled, users can proceed with deactivating the location.
[AU, US] State Field Dropdown
Finance Settings > Payers/3rd Party Payers
Inventory Settings > Manufacturers
The 'State' field dropdown with pre-defined values allows clinicians to reduce errors caused by manual entry and minimizes address validation issues. The selection of states depends on the country.
This enhancement has been applied to:
- FINANCE SETTINGS > PAYERS/3rd PARTY PAYERS: "Add (Edit) Payer/3rd Party Payer" dialog.
- INVENTORY SETTINGS > MANUFACTURERS: "Add (Edit) Manufacturer" dialog.
- INVENTORY SETTINGS > SUPPLIERS: "Add (Edit) Supplier" dialog.
[UK] Enhanced Address Handling
The integration of Trillium with the Manage system has been improved to minimize address entry errors. The City and Country fields in the Patients/Leads modules are now populated more accurately, particularly in cases where Trillium returns additional details such as a parish, city or sub-city in the Channel Islands.
The updated logic ensures:
- If Sub-City is returned, it is displayed alongside the City in the City field, separated by a comma (e.g., "St Helier, Jersey").
- The City field no longer duplicates the Country name; instead, it accurately reflects the Sub-City in the City field when provided (e.g., "St Sampson, Guernsey").
Patient Search by External Devices' Serial Numbers
Patients > Patient search screen
Now, you can search for patients using the serial numbers of external devices listed on the PATIENT EQUIPMENT tab, even if these devices were not sold by the company and are not associated with any sales registered in Manage.
With this enhancement, you can:
- Easily locate patients based on their external devices.
- Ensure accurate device management without relying on sales data.
- Simplify the process of finding and managing patient equipment.
Fast-Track Attribute for Product Catalog Export/Import
Inventory > Product catalog
The "Fast-track" attribute has been integrated into both exported and imported product catalog files across all product categories. This enhancement provides users with several benefits:
- Seamless integration: During export, the Fast-track attribute is automatically included in the file, ensuring your data remains detailed and comprehensive.
- Efficient data import: The Fast-track attribute can now be added to imported files, simplifying the management of products earmarked for fast-track sales.
- Enhanced productivity: By incorporating the "Fast track" column into the imported .XLSX file, users can streamline the sales process for fast-track products, thereby saving time and boosting efficiency.
For details, we recommend checking our Swagger API specifications. This resource provides a comprehensive overview of our public API, including endpoints, request parameters, and response formats.
Select the version to see the available endpoints and gain a deeper understanding of our API's capabilities.

To enhance financial reporting of appointments created via eRS, GET requests are now supported to retrieve detailed information on General Practitioners (GPs) and GP Practices. This includes such essential data as:
- For GPs: Name, Code.
- For Practices: Name, Code, Address (all lines), Postcode, Provider/Purchaser, Commissioner, and Contact phone number.
3.1 Current System Requirements
Operating systems | Windows 10, Windows 11, macOS |
Supported browsers | Chrome (latest version), Edge (latest version) |
Language preferences | English |
Country layers | UK, AU, US |
Bridge version | Bridge BE - 2.3.2 + Client 2.3.2 |
Listo version | 2.0.0 |
Zapier version | AuditData (4.2.2) |
Screen resolution | 1920x1200 |
Internet connection speed | 10Mb/s |
3.2. DWH Schema Changes
3.2.1 Added Tables

The Data Warehouse (DWH) structure is uniform across all country layers. However, for operational convenience, each country layer can only access data relevant to them, with data access being managed at the customer level.
AU, UK, US | Dim_Company |
| Dim_Environment |
| Dim_ManageProduct |
| Dim_UserManageProductLink |
UK | Dim_UkAftercareBattery |
| Dim_UkAftercareBatteryAutoSale |
| Dim_UkBatteryValue |
| Dim_UkNhsTariff |
| Fact_UkAftercareWorkflows |
| Fact_UkBatteryValueTypes |
| Fact_UkNhsContractRules |
| Fact_UkNhsContractTariffSettings |
| Fact_UkNotes |
| Fact_UkProductDiscounts |
| Fact_UkPurchaseOrders |
| Fact_UkTrials |
3.2.2 Updated Tables
Dim_Specialist | Added | TitleId
Dim_User | Added | CompanyID |
| Removed | EnvironmentID |
Fact_UkSales | Added | AftercareBatteryAutoSaleId
Fact_UkProducts | Added | OriginalProductId
Dim_Supplier | Modified | State |
Fact_AutomaticBatteriesProvisions | Modified | CreatedBy |
Fact_RepairOrders | Modified | SentDate ReceivedDate ReplacementDate ProductAddedDate RepairDate |
[AU, US] L&D Request Limit Settings Display Issue
Envrionment settings > Inventory settings
- The problem with the visibility of the "L&D Request's limit" settings has been fixed. Previously, attempts to access these settings resulted in an error. Now, the "L&D Request's limit" section is properly displayed and fully accessible.
Survey Export Issue
Patients > [selected Patient] > Summary
- The issue affecting survey exports has been resolved. Previously, if a survey export failed for a specific patient, it would prevent subsequent exports for all patients. Now, successful exports are consistently maintained, ensuring reliable functionality across all patient surveys.
[UK] Referral Status Change Error
Patients > [selected Patient] > Referrals
- The issue preventing users from changing the referral status to Aftercare has been resolved. Users can now successfully update the referral status to Aftercare without any errors.
Incorrect Discount Calculation on Duplicated Patient Sale Items
Patients > [selected Patient] > Patient Sale
- The issue with incorrect discount calculations on duplicated product items in patient sales has been resolved. Previously, discounts were not applied accurately to duplicated items, causing inconsistencies. This fix ensures that discounts on duplicated items now match the original, providing consistent pricing.
[AU, US] Missing 'Add L&D Fee' Reminder for Replacement Requests
Patients > [selected Patient] > Patient Sale
- The issue where the 'Add L&D fee in Products' reminder was not displayed before invoice creation for sales with an L&D Replacement Request has been resolved. The reminder now appears as intended.
[AU] Warranty Start Date Mismatch
Patients > [selected Patient] > Patient Sale
The issue where the Warranty Start Date was set to one day ahead has been resolved. Previously, the Warranty Start Date was prefilled with the UTC date and time, causing it to be set to the next day for users in certain time zones. Now, the Warranty Start Date is correctly set to the current user's date, ensuring accurate warranty information.
[AU] Maintenance Agreement Print Form Payment Amount Issue
Patients > [selected Patient] > Patient Sale
- The problem with displaying the client payment amount on the Maintenance Agreement Print Form has been fixed. Now, when a client receives a 100% discount, the co-payment amount is correctly shown as $0.00 on the print form.
Replacement Devices' Warranty Expiration Issue
Patients > [selected Patient] > Equipment
- The functionality enabling the selection of the Warranty expiration date on the EDIT EQUIPMENT screen for replacement devices has been corrected. This option is now restricted to manually added external devices, ensuring that non-external devices cannot be edited.
[AU] Multiple Appointments in One Time Slot
- The issue causing multiple appointments to be created due to the Scheduler's delayed response has been fixed. Now, only one appointment is created as expected.
[AU] HSP Claims Status Update Issue
Finance > HSP > Claims
- The issue caused by the inclusion of Credited claims during the import process, which prevented claim statuses from updating, has been resolved. Now, claim statuses correctly update to "Approved" or "Rejected" based on the HSP response file.
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