To credit a legacy (old) B&M Amount, if it was entered as a
Start Up Balance, you can just delete it from the Start Up Balances in
Config>Accounting>AR Start Up Balances – consult with AUR if
in doubt.
For customers incorrectly invoiced, SH doesn’t have a way to
reverse only the B&M so you have to add a private Invoice to do it.
Configuration details
In Config>System>Application User in Security settings, make sure the user has access to change rounding amounts (if B&M will be rounded).
Read all of next section on adding categories before you begin.
If you don't already have it, in Config>Inventory>Categories
you will need to add a new category for reversing the tax component to
the correct account. The new category could be 03 if it isn't already in use,
or 02T, for example.
Setting up the categories: Check one of your existing hearing aid
categories and look at the "HSP Revenue", 2nd from the bottom on the
Make sure this account is in the first Revenue account in your 02 HSP Category.
For the tax reversal category, look for the account that tax is
exported to in Config>Accounting>Export Set Up and make it the
Revenue Account in the new tax category.
Ensure that both categories have Tax 2 ticked.
If you don't already have them, you will also need 2 products added
to Inventory to do the reversal on a private invoice. Check first to
see if you have them.
Credit Invoice
- Use today’s date (original claim may be a closed accounting period now] - or check with your book keeper.
In the last Totals screen, the cursor will default to and highlight
the Rounding amount. If applicable, 0 the rounding and press enter, then continue on to save
the invoice (ie match the original claim).
Cross-applying the two documents
From the Main Menu select Receive Payments for this patient. Using the payment method X-APPLY, enter to the two invoices.
If Claims have not been sent or approved in a batch, they can be
voided – open the claim and click VOID. Uncheck the sent box if
necessary, and make sure that the account balances after it is done.
If you click VOID, per the HSP user guide:
Turn on auto rounding – this is required for exports to Xero. HSP takes care of itself, but a private invoice reversal of an HSP amount
doesn’t not respect OHS rounding, hence the need to turn it off for this
purpose, then on when you are done.
Validation Rules
In HSP Claims, the reason the tick box is auto-ticked is because of
the Validation rules in Config>HSP Items. To summarise: If you use
certain HSP items, the rules ensure that it auto-ticks that box, so you
will have to be vigilant with Transfer patients who already have a
B&M claim. For them you will have to use an item that doesn’t
include B&M (I’m not sure for the OHS rules here) or:
Please check the Validation rules. SH set them up for you but always advise you to check, not being audiologists ourselves.