Scheduler settings

Scheduler settings


The DEFAULT WORKING HOURS are universally applied within the company unless specific working hours are indicated in the LOCATION SETTINGS. Specialist working hours can either follow the default schedule or be customized based on the specialist's availability.

Closed days

Closed days are added either for one location at a time or all locations. To add a closed day, click +CLOSED DAY.

Resource types

It is possible to add a number of resource types that will be used to group your locations resources (rooms, different types of equipment). 


This tab allows you to add resources to a particular location. To add a resource, click +RESOURCE. On the dialog, specify:
  1. RESOURCE*: once the resource is saved, the name provided in the field will be impossible to change.
  2. LOCATION*: once the resource is saved, the location specified in this field will be impossible to change. NOTE: Only ONE location can be specified per resource.
  3. RESOURCE TYPE*: from the dropdown, select a resource type.
  4. CONFIRM AVAILABILITY*: choose "yes", "no", or "warn".
"Yes" - to show a conflict message when someone is trying to book this resource for the same time; this will also prevent an appointment from being created.

"No"- to allow a resource to be booked for several appointments simultaneously; the appointment will be created with no warning.

"Warn" - to show a warning message that this resource is already booked; the appointment will be created and the user will be notified with a warning.
  1. COLOR: choose any color from the palette for better visualization.
Resource list can be ordered by state (active/inactive), resource name and color parameter.


 'Active' outcomes can be linked to a particular appointment reason. When a reason is selected for an appointment, any of the outcomes associated with that reason can be added to that appointment.
To add an outcome, click +OUTCOME. On the dialog, specify: 
  1. Code
  2. Rating (if applicable)
Outcomes' list that can be ordered by state (active/inactive) and code. 

Appointment statuses

Statuses can also be assigned to appointments in Scheduler.
To create a status, click the +APPOINTMENT STATUS. On the dialog, specify:
  1. Code (one character)
  2. Description
'Lock appointments' is an optional setting. When activated for an appointment status, it protects appointments that were assigned this status from any unauthorized changes.

Appointment statuses' list can be ordered by all available parameters.

Appointment types

Appointment types can be used to classify appointment reasons. To add an appointment type, click +APPOINTMENT TYPE. On the dialog, specify:
  1. Type
  2. Description
  3. Duration
  4. Color 
Appointment types' list can be ordered by any available parameters.

Appointment reasons

Appointment reasons can be used to apply default duration to an appointment. When an appointment is created in Scheduler and a specific reason is selected, duration of this appointment will default to the duration of the selected appointment reason. This can later be changed in Scheduler. To add an appointment reason, click +APPOINTMENT REASON. On the dialog, you can specify:
  1. Appointment reason
  2. Duration
  3. Color (open the dropdown for more options)
  4. Category
  5. Outcome
  6. Appointment type
Appointment reasons' list can be ordered by any available parameter.

Appointment labels

On this tab, users can configure appointment labels that suit the needs of their office or clinic. Labels can then be added to appointments in SCHEDULER. To add a label, click +LABEL.
On the dialog, specify:
  1. Code
  2. Name
Appointment labels list can be ordered by all available parameters.

Specialist categories

Specialist categories can be used to group specialists. To add a category, click +CATEGORY.
On the dialog, you can specify:
  1. Code
  2. Description 
Specialist categories' list that can be ordered by all available parameters.


On this screen you can add a specialist and assign them to a chosen location. In Scheduler, all assigned specialists will be shown for that location. To add a specialist, click +SPECIALIST. On the dialog, you can specify:
  1. Title
  2. Name
  3. Suffix
  4. Phone number
  5. Category
  6. Color
  7. Location
  8. Select 'All reasons' or choose from the dropdown below
[Country specific]
  1. QP number
  2. NPI number
On the CREATE dialog, you can assign a specialist to ONE location. In EDIT mode, you can link up to 10 locations to each specialist. If applicable, it is also possible to define a specialist QP number per every assigned location.
Categories' list that can be ordered by: state (active/inactive), name, phone number, category, color, all reasons' setting. 

You can search the list by name and phone number using the search bar. It is also possible to filter the specialists' list by location.

Cancellation reasons

Cancellation reasons are used to explain why an appointment was canceled. Once a 'canceled' status is given to an appointment, the dropdown with the cancellation reasons becomes available. To add a cancellation reason, click +CANCELLATION REASON. On the dialog, you can specify:
  1. Code
  2. Description
Cancellation reasons with a selected 'NHS' parameter are available for eRS appointments only. In-store and online appointments can use all cancellation reasons.
Cancellation reasons' list that can be ordered by all available parameters.

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